Facilities :: For Women ::


Facilities for Women

In 1997, the Supreme Court recognized and addressed the issue ofsexual harassment at the workplace. The judgment created mandatory sexual harassment prevention guidelines for the workplace, applicable all over India. The knowledge and information about it can lead to a workplace free of sexual harassmentfor all persons. Ministry of law and justice recently published “The sexual harassment of woman at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal)” Act on 22nd April 2013, as per this act it is mandatory for every organizationto have internal complaints committee. This document is to be read in conjunction with “Sexual harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, prohibitionandredressal) act-2013, hereafterreferredto asthe ‘act’ Sexual harassment injects the most demeaning sexual stereotypes into the general work environment and always represents an intentional assaultona person’sinner most privacy.

What is Sexual Harassment?

According the Supreme Court order, sexual harassment is any unwelcome:
    Physical contact andadvances
    Demand orrequestforsexual favors
    Sexually coloredremarks
    Display ofpornography>
    Anyotherunwelcomephysical,verbalandnon-verbalconductofasexualnature. Basically it is any unwelcome words or actions of sexual nature.


    Denialofpayment orofficial approval in the absence ofsexualfavors
    Pornographicpictures/messages displayedondesksorsentbyemail
    Remarksmade about personal appearance and dress
    Colored jokes shared in the office that make others present feel uncomfortable.

Specific Facilities Provided for Women

    CCTV in classroom.
    CCTV in Corridor.
    CCTV in Lab.
    Girls Common room.
    Women Anti –harassment Cell.

Safety Security Measures