About Electrical Engg.


List of Faculties

Mr. Arjun Kumar

Designation : Assistant Professor & HOD (Electrical & Electronics Engg.)
Department : Department of Electrical Engineering
Phone No.   : 8210431688
Email Id       : arjun06214@gmail.com
Remarks(if any) : Dean (Academics)
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Dr. Atma Ram Gupta

Designation : Associate Professor
Department : Department of Electrical Engineering
Phone No.   : 9896279046
Email Id       : principal@spnrecararia.ac.in
Remarks(if any) : Principal Incharge
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Mr. Gaurav Anand

Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Department of Electrical Engineering
Phone No.   : 7991125787
Email Id       : gauraviitd2016@gmail.com
Remarks(if any) :
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Miss Sweety Kumari

Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Department of Electrical Engineering
Phone No.   : 8709172667
Email Id       : sssweety211@gmail.com
Remarks(if any) :
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Miss Rajni Kumari

Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Department of Electrical Engineering
Phone No.   : 8349379050
Email Id       : rajni2068@gmail.com
Remarks(if any) :
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Mr. Raj Kumar

Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Department of Electrical Engineering
Phone No.   : 9123439207
Email Id       : rajk7250@gmail.com
Remarks(if any) :
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Mr. Aditya Ratan

Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Department of Electrical Engineering
Phone No.   : 8910186839
Email Id       : ratzadees@gmail.com
Remarks(if any) :
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Ms. Naushine Abid

Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Department of Electrical Engineering
Phone No.   : 9939533485
Email Id       : abidnaushine@gmail.com
Remarks(if any) :
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